Bir bardak çay deyip geçmeyin aslında birçok gerçeği
gösterir hayatımızdan bir kesittir.
Çayın alt demliği "KAYNANADIR" Sürekli kaynar durur. Hatta dikkat edilmezse taşabilir. Üst demlik "GELİNDİR" Alt demlik kaynadıkça onunda harareti artar. Ama zamanla da olgunlaşır ve demlenir.... "GELİNİN KOCASI" ise Bardaktır. Her iki çaydanlıktan da yeterince nasibini alır. Biraz kaynana doldurur onu, biraz da gelin. Bu nedenle de Denge unsurudur. Açık yada demli çayın hoşa gitmemesi bundandır... "ÇOCUKLAR" çayın şekeridir, tat verir. Çok şeker çayın lezzetini bozar. Şekersiz çaya alışanlara ise bir tanesi bile fazla gelir...
"GÖRÜMCE" ise çay kaşığıdır. Arada bir
gelir; karıştırıp gider...
"KAYINPEDER"e gelince... O da çay tabağıdır. Çayın demine, suyuna karışmaz; bir kenarda lök gibi oturur. Sadece dökülenleri toplar ve çevreye zarar vermesini engeller. Ancak; ara sıra boşaltılması gerekir, yoksa taşıp her şeyi berbat edebilir. "ÇAY SÜZGECİ" ailenin sahip olduğu değerlerdir. Aileyi dış müdahalelerden korur. Delikler büyük olursa çayın tadı kaçar. Suyu ısıtan "ATEŞ" ise hoşgörüdür. O olmadan çay da olmaz. KISACASI Bir bardak çay "AİLEDİR" ve ağız tadıyla içilen bir bardak çayın üstüne yoktur...
My Motto
Be compassionate to the needy, Neither squander wealth nor hoard it. Never lose your sense of shame, if questions are asked of you, answer them frankly but do not ask too many yourself. Be manly and of good cheer. Never kill a foe who is begging for mercy and be ever loyal in love
Own your own way
Do Not Go Where The Path May Lead, Go Instead Where There Is No Path And LEAVE a TRAIL ....
By R. Waldo Emerson
By R. Waldo Emerson
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Today is Christmas which is holy time for Christians and tells the story about how Jesus reborns after being killed by the Roman Empire then. According to Christians` belief, on 21 of December Jesus dies or being killed and on 24 of December he reborns again but i believe that is the truth to be said that this is just an invented version of pagan belief into old, real christian belief because when we search the history and other old belief systems which are not from God we can easily encounter that almost all pagan belief systems has the story that their claimed god or gods die and reborn exactly the same date with the date i have mentioned above so we can obviously deduct that old pagan beliefs were settled to christian belief unfortunately. I t used to be a christian celebration but now it is also being widely celebrated by the non christian cultures and countries, i think ,this is because of the effect of trying to be the part of western countries and culture and be accepted and be involved in. Today what we witness in Muslim countries is imitation especially in Turkey but not exactly the same way as they do, thanks God. As a matter of fact but we do not celebrate Christmas we just celebrate the new year and try to get rod of the stress which stems from its cargo. We have to be so careful that somebody could misunderstand us about what we are doing. The important thing is the spirit itself as Charles Dickens says in his work called Christmas Carol. Although so many Christians do not practice the necessities of the religion they can have the holidays or any other good things which are actually gifts for the believers so i believe that they just benefit from the religion just like us. Here in Turkey there are so many people, millions of people who do not pray five times a day or fast during Ramadan month or we can count so many others. However they can have the holidays or happy times so i think those who do like that are claimed Muslims. Anyway everybody is same whatever their beliefs are or who they are or what they are thought to be, so the result is that WE ARE HYPOCRITE.
Anyway I wish a happy christmas to everybody and happy new year.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
A Page Long One Sentence
Aslında, büyük uğraşlar gerektiren özverili bir
çalışma sonunda vücuda getirilen Türk Uzay Kurumunun kuruluşunun 10. Yıl dönümü
olan ve birkaç ay önce çeşitli etkinliklerle kutlanılan 27 Ağustos tarihinde, Kanuni
döneminden sonra dikkate şayan bir gelişme kaydedemeyen ve sürekli göz ardı
edilerek yaptıklarıyla maalesef ilgi çekemeyen lakin dünden bugüne Türk bilim
dünyasının kalbi kabul edilen ve binyıldan daha uzun süre özellikle bu bölgede
bilimim öncülüğünü üstlenen, dünya üzerinde toprakları iki kıtaya yayılmış tek
şehir olan İstanbul’da düzenlenmesi planlanan ama toplantıya Ankara, Erzurum,
İzmir gibi çeşitli illerden gelerek katılacak olan ve toplantının olmazsa
olmazları arasında su götürmez bir gerçeklikle kabul edilen birkaç önemli katılımcıdan
kaynaklanan ve acilen çözüme bağlanması gereken bazı teknik ve maddi aksilikler
yüzünden İstanbul Üniversitesinin açılışının 550. Yılı olması hasebiyle ancak
üç gün önce yaklaşık yüz kadar âlimin çok yoğun ilgisi ve
katılımıyla başlayabilen ve Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devletinin geleceğini ve bu
geleceği oluşturması beklenen yeni nesillerin hayatlarını şekillendirecek ve
tümüyle değiştirecek olan toplantıda alınan kararlar doğrultusunda, öncelikle
asırlarca durmak nedir bilmeden hem askeri alanda hem de bilimsel çalışmalarda milletlere
efendilik eden ve her yeniliğin altında imzası bulunan bu milletin uzun
yıllardır kanayan yarası olan deprem tehlikesi ve onun sonuçlarından ve
riskinden uzak olduğu bilenen ve sağanak yağmuru, ağır kış şartları ve ağaçlar
devirip evler yıkan rüzgarıyla ünlü Anadolu’da coğrafi konumu itibariyle hava
şartlarından az etkileneceği düşünülen büyük İslam düşünürü Mevlana’nın şehri Konya’da
sadece hava tahmin balonu ve gözlem uydusu gibi bilimsel amaçlı roketlerin ve diğer
gezegenlere ve de galaksilere veri toplamak ve resim çekmek için gönderilecek çeşitli
uzay araçlarının yörüngeye ve dış uzaya gönderileceği bir uzay üssü kurulmasına
sonrada kendi uydularımızın ve uzaya insan gönderebilmek için üretilmesi
amaçlanan mekiklerin, burada bu teknolojiyi üretmek için her türlü gerekli
potansiyele ve güce sahip Türkiye’de, senelerdir hayalini kurduğumuz kendimize
ait tesislerde üretilerek bu uyduların ve diğer araçların fırlatılmasından ve yörüngeye
başarılı bir şekilde oturtulmasından sonra, kontrollerinin başkent olması
münasebetiyle ve gerekli teftişlerin hiç aksamadan yapılabileceği düşüncesiyle kurtuluş
savaşından önce küçük bir kasaba iken savaşın kazanılmasına müteakip hızla yeni
kurulan Türk devletine yaraşır modern bir anakent haline getirilen Ankara’da
bir zamanlar bu iş için kurulan ve yıllardır atıl durumda bekletilen ancak
geçtiğimiz birkaç yılda tekrar yenilenerek hizmete sokulan tesisteki, hayatlarının
büyük bir bölümünü bu konuyu milli bir dava gibi kabul ederek başarmak için her
şeyi yapmış, çok fazla bedel ödemiş ve ülkenin en saygın üniversiteleri olarak
kabul gören Boğaziçi Üniversitesi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul
Teknik Üniversitesi, Bilkent İhsan Doğramacı Üniversitesi gibi çeşitli
üniversitelerde uzun yıllardır öğrenci yetiştirerek hocalık yapan akademisyenlere,
seneler önce yurtdışına; köklü bir geçmişe sahip ve uzay bilimi konusunda
Amerikan Uzay Ajansı NASA vasıtasıyla derin bir bilgi birikimine sahip Amerikan
Harvard Üniversitesi, Newton, Stephan Hawking, Robert Hooke ve Herbert Spenser
gibi tarihin en becerikli ve en bilinen mucitlerini, doktorlarını, fencilerini
ve sosyal bilimcilerini yetiştiren İngiliz Oxford Üniversitesi ve dünyanın
sadece en zekilerinin kabul edildiği, en önemli mühendislik üniversitelerinden
biri olan Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.I. T gibi başı çeken
üniversitelere gönderilerek bu konuda uzmanlaşmaları hedeflenen ve yıllarca bu
işi en iyi şekilde yürüten şirketlerde çalışarak muazzam deneyimler kazanan Türk mühendislerine
ve uzay fiziği konusunda uzman deneyimli fizikçilere, uçak, mekik tasarımı, mekanik, matematik ve bunlar gibi daha nice ayrı ve
özel çalışılması gerekilen diğer dallardan bilim adamlarına devredilmesine
karar verilmiştir.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The news of the week
Time chooses ‘The Protester’ not Erdogan as ‘Person of the YeaR
"The Protester" has been named American Time magazine's Person of the Year although Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan topped the poll of the People's Choice for Time's 2011 Person of the Year.The magazine revealed its decision on Wednesday, after it announced on Tuesday that Erdoğan was Time readers' choice for the title of Person of the Year.The magazine did not name Erdoğan the Person of the Year but chose “The Protester,” which refers to waves of protests across the world, including those against dictators in the Middle East and the Occupy Wall Street movement that left their mark on 2011.Time defines the Person of the Year as someone who, for better or for worse, influences the events of the year."Is there a global tipping point for frustration? Everywhere, it seems, people said they'd had enough," Time Editor Rick Stengel said in a statement."They dissented; they demanded; they did not despair, even when the answers came back in a cloud of tear gas or a hail of bullets. They literally embodied the idea that individual action can bring collective, colossal change," he said.The magazine also revealed the runners-up for 2011 Person of the Year on its website, TIME.com. Coming in No. 2 on the list is Adm. William H. McRaven, who organized the raid that led to the death of Osama bin Laden in May.Time's choice for last year was Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg although WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange ranked first in Time's poll.Time has chosen its Person of the Year every year since 1927, and sometimes it has involved a group, like the protester, or a concept.According to Time's annual poll for 2011, Erdoğan received 122,928 votes nominating him as the most influential person of the year, with Barcelona soccer player Lionel Messi coming in a far second with only 75,000 votes and the protester coming third.The Turkish prime minister not only topped the People's Choice for Time's 2011 Person of the Year poll but the list of least popular people as well. He came in first among the least popular with 180,564 votes.
Salehi comforts Ankara over NATO shield threats
Iranian FM assures Turkey that the Islamic country does not pose any threat to its neighbor denying aggressive statements made by its officials.
Iran has dismissed comments from its own officials to target a NATO missile shield in eastern Turkey if the Islamic republic is threatenedby the West, Anatolia news agency reported yesterday. “We reject those views completely,” Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi said in an interview, adding that those who had made the irresponsible statements had been warned. “The Islamic Republic of Iran’s official stance on Turkey is based on deep brotherhood and friendship,” he said, adding that only Iran’s supreme leader, president and foreign minister were able to pronounce on Iran’s official attitude on international matters and foreign policy. “Other statements are considered personal views,” he said. “Our relations with Turkey are at their best level ever from a political, economic and cultural perspective. More than 2 million Iranians visit Turkey each year, Salehi said. “There may be different views but that is natural. Turkey and Iran favor peace, stability and security in the region,” he said.
Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu thanked Salehi for his statement yesterday. “There was no tension in ties with Iran [over the statements of Iranian officials],” he told reporters. “Turkish-Iranian friendship is forever. No one can deny it.” Meanwhile, Turkey’s uneasiness over Iranian officials’ threats to hit the NATO radar system to be deployed in Turkey was expressed by Davutoğlu in speaking with Salehi on Dec. 13.
Small countries join EU, big countries bargain
Small countries were joining the European Union while big countries were bargaining, Turkey’s president said late Dec. 9 after Turkey’s disappointment in not progressing in its EU bid while Croatia signed its accession treaty. “Small countries are joining the EU, but big countries are bargaining,” Gül said at the fourth World Policy Conference in Vienna, Austria.
Gül’s remarks came after Croatia, whose negotiation process with the union began at the same time as Turkey, signed an accession treaty with the EU. Croatia will become EU’s 28th member in July 2013. Gül said Turkey’s real goal was to conclude the negotiation process successfully, and then it may decide not to join the union, just like Norway. When asked how many EU member countries were also members of the G-20, Gül said “Only three or four of them, and therefore this should be evaluated well.” Turkey is a member of G-20 and became an EU candidate country in December 1999. The union launched accession talks with Turkey on Oct. 3, 2005. The EU has so far opened 13 of the 35 chapter headings to negotiations with Turkey. Meanwhile, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bülent Arınç said Dec. 10 from Indonesia where he was attending the fourth Bali Democracy Forum that they would ask about the EU membership issue to the Turkish people. “Turkey wants to join the EU… We have been given many obstacles… But the EU is not a single choice for Turkey. We will ask about the EU membership issue to our people,” Arınç said during a meeting with Indonesian media representatives. The EU was not sine qua non for Turkey, Arınç said, and Turkey had a model partnership with the U.S. as well as Asia and Africa. Turkey recently opened 30 embassies in Africa, he said.
Attack kills 4 in Belgium
A lunch-hour attack yesterday in a busy central square in the eastern Belgian city of Liege left 75 people injured and four dead, including the gunman, a prosecutor said. The lone gunman opened fire on a square packed with children and Christmas shoppers in Liege, killing three people before turning the gun on himself. More than 70 people were also wounded in the lunch-hour attack, public prosecutor Daniel Reynders said. Reynders said the gunman, Nordine Amrani, 32, was among the four people dead, along with a 15-year-old who died instantly, and a 17-year-old boy and a 75-year-old woman who died later in the hospital. The country’s federal crisis center said it was neither a terrorist incident nor was linked to a pending criminal trial. “It was a lone gunman,” the center’s Benoit Ramacker told Agence France-Presse. “We’re investigating all avenues.” Belgium’s Interior Minister Joelle Milquet broke off EU talks and immediately headed for Liege after the attack, as did newly named Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo. The attack sent terrified residents running for their lives, and hours later groups of people sat weeping on sidewalks across the windy city amid the screech of ambulance sirens and the roar of helicopters hovering overhead. The shooting took place around noon on Saint-Lambert square, home to the courthouse and located near a busy Christmas market in the town of 196,000. Some reports said it was a foiled bid to rescue a suspect from the courthouse, but judicial sources said Amrani acted alone. The sources said police had raided Amrani’s Liege home recently seeking cannabis plants but had found arms instead. In 2008 he was sentenced to almost five years behind bars for illegal possession of arms and growing marijuana. There was much confusion over the early details of the events, with initial reports citing more than one gunman. Journalist Nicolas Gilenne told AFP he had just left the courthouse where he was covering a trial when the attack began. “He wanted to hurt as many people as possible” he said.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Let's Take a Close Look What Happens Around Us
Topkapı Palace Opens to Visitors After Brutal Attack
Topkapı Palace in Sultanahmet, the historic heart of İstanbul, is open to visitors once again after an assailant opened fire in the palace's complex, wounding two people before eventually being killed by police. The Libyan attacker carrying a pump-action rifle on Wednesday entered the Topkapı Palace complex and opened fire, wounding a soldier and a security guard.
An eyewitness said the assailant walked into the grounds of Topkapı Palace and closed the doors at the entrance to the palace complex after shooting the soldier in the leg and the guard in the abdomen. The attacker exchanged fire with police for more than an hour before being killed.
The palace complex, one of the city's top tourist attractions, was reopened to visitors on Thursday morning. Visitors that entered the palace in the morning were able to see the bullet holes in the walls and other spots of interest in the complex.
Although the assailant's motive is unknown, witnesses said he shouted God is Great and said in Arabic that he was from Syria, raising suspicions that the incident was linked to the political tension between Turkey and Syria over President Bashar al-Assad's crackdown on anti-regime protests.Fearing future attacks, the number of security guards at the palace has been increased.
There are policemen and armed soldiers at the entrance of the palace watching the area. Topkapı Palace, which was constructed between 1460 and 1478 by Sultan Mehmed II, the conqueror of Constantinople which is currently called Istanbul, served as the primary residence of the Ottoman sultans for approximately 400 years (1465-1856).
It is now a major tourist attraction containing important holy relics of the Muslim world, including the Prophet Muhammad's cloak and sword. The Topkapı Palace became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985.
Coefficients in Turkish University Exam Lifted
Turkey’s Higher Education Board (YÖK) has ended the controversial application of different coefficients for students at university entrance exams in a move that puts graduates of vocational high schools on equalpar with others.
The YÖK has fixed an equal coefficient of 0.12 for the grade point average of all students, regardless of what faculty they apply for, effectively neutralizing its impact.
The coefficient rule, designed to confine graduates of vocational schools to divinity faculties and junior technical college, was introduced in the late 1990s after an army-led campaign forced Turkey’s Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan to resign.
Under the former practice, YÖK awarded vocational schools graduates lesser coefficients for their scores when they chose to apply to departments other than divinity and junior technical college, practically blocking their way to faculties that could propel them to prominent public posts.
The practice was valid for graduates of all vocational schools who sought to enter universities outside their field. Before yesterday’s decision, YÖK had already minimized the impact of the coefficients, keeping the punitive one at 0.12, only slightly lower than the normal coefficient of 0.15. YÖK officials reportedly rushed the decision in order to have it included in the 2012 handbook for next year’s university exam, which has to be finalized by Dec. 15.
At the same meeting, the board approved the Rize University’s decision to change its name to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University in honor of Turkey’s prime minister, who hails from the region.
EU Foreign Ministers Say Turkey's EU Accession Process Important
Eleven foreign ministers have said Turkey's European Union accession process is of vital strategic and economic importance for both the bloc and Turkey, welcoming Turkey's rise in global politics and economy. The foreign ministers said Turkey's accession process is of vital strategic and economic importance for both the EU and Turkey and that the 27-member bloc welcomes Turkey's commitment to continuing reforms to meet its European goal and offer it the EU's full support. “Together, the EU and Turkey can steer a safer path through the current global economic and political storms,” they said.
The foreign ministers said the EU is currently focused on the turmoil in the eurozone and that poses severe risks to economic growth in EU member states, noting that these tumultuous economic and political times should not lead to the EU turning its back on its neighborhood.
The foreign ministers stressed that Turkey is an important partner as a new economic powerhouse for the Single Market and a growing regional power that could contribute to EU's shared foreign policy effort.
“We believe strongly in the benefits the Turkish accession process has brought both to the EU and Turkey and in its continued importance for driving progress towards shared goals such as economic competitiveness, energy security and regional stability,” they wrote.
Nobel Laureate Orhan Pamuk in 60 Languages
Turkish Nobel literature laureate Orhan Pamuk’s 1990 novel “Kara Kitap” (The Black Book) is being translated into Mongolian, the author’s Turkish publisher, İletişim Publications, announced this week.
The translation of “The Black Book” into Mongolian marks the 60th language in which Pamuk’s works are available, including such major languages as English, Spanish, French and German, İletişim said in a written statement on Friday.
The first-ever translation into a foreign language of a work by Pamuk was in 1991, when his novel “Sessiz Ev” (The House of Silence) was published in France to great acclaim, winning the country’s Prix de la découverte Européene (European discovery prize) the same year.The Mongolian translation of “The Black Book” will be published by the Nepko Publishing House, İletişim said. “The Black Book” follows the story of Galip, an İstanbul-based lawyer who goes searching for his vanished wife like a private investigator. The 59-year-old Pamuk has published eight novels throughout his 30-year career as a writer. His works have collectively sold around 11 million copies around the world, İletişim said.
Do Not Go Where The Path May Lead, Go Instead Where There Is No Path And LEAVE a TRAIL
By R. Waldo Emerson
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Üzülme, dert etme can.
Görebiliyorsan, dokunabiliyorsan, nefes alabiliyorsan, yürüyebiliyorsan ne mutlu sana.
Elinde olmayanları söyleme bana.
Elinde olanlardan bahset can.
Geceler hep kimsesiz mi geçecek?
Gidenler dönmeyecek mi?
Yitirdiğin her ne ise; bir bakarsın yağmurlu bir gecede veya bir bahar sabahında karşına çıkmış.
Bil ki, güzellikler de var bu hayatta.
Gel Git’lerin olmadığı bir hayat düşünebilir misin?
Hüzün olgunlaştırır,
Kaybetmek sabrı öğretir.
Üzülme, dert etme can.
Görebiliyorsan, dokunabiliyorsan, nefes alabiliyorsan, yürüyebiliyorsan ne mutlu sana.
Elinde olmayanları söyleme bana.
Elinde olanlardan bahset can.
Geceler hep kimsesiz mi geçecek?
Gidenler dönmeyecek mi?
Yitirdiğin her ne ise; bir bakarsın yağmurlu bir gecede veya bir bahar sabahında karşına çıkmış.
Bil ki, güzellikler de var bu hayatta.
Gel Git’lerin olmadığı bir hayat düşünebilir misin?
Hüzün olgunlaştırır,
Kaybetmek sabrı öğretir.