it has been 14 days since ı left the house for compulsarty millitary service. And everything is different here in Manyas coz ı am far away from everything ı am used to do. I miss you so much yasemin. SENİ SEVİYORUM.
My Motto
Be compassionate to the needy, Neither squander wealth nor hoard it. Never lose your sense of shame, if questions are asked of you, answer them frankly but do not ask too many yourself. Be manly and of good cheer. Never kill a foe who is begging for mercy and be ever loyal in love
Own your own way
Do Not Go Where The Path May Lead, Go Instead Where There Is No Path And LEAVE a TRAIL ....
By R. Waldo Emerson
By R. Waldo Emerson
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
I am Going to Attend Army 2 Days Later
yesssss this is the day. ıt was announced. my compulsory millitary service place is Balıkesir. Wish me patient and good luck.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Deceptive and Unhappy
Love at first sight is related to appearance, love at first sight can turn into hate at last sight if the personality cannot be loved. As appearances are deceptive.
Friday, October 22, 2010
For Real
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Printing Problem
Friday, October 15, 2010
This is a great project for Turkey. Check this out
Türkiye ile Çin arasında imzalanan 'Demiryolu İşbirliği Anlaşması' kapsamında 7 bin kilometre hızlı tren hattı yapılması kararına varıldı. Projenin finansmanı için de Çin hükümeti 28-30 milyar dolar kredi sağlayacak. Hat, Edirne'den Kars'a, Diyarbakır'dan İzmir'e, Trabzon'dan Antalya'ya kadar uzanacak. Trenlerin hızı 450 kilometreye ulaşacak. 10 yıl içinde, Ankara-Sivas, Ankara-İzmir, Ankara-Antalya hattının yapılması planlanıyor.
7 bin kilometrelik söz konusu hatların tamamlanması halinde Edirne'den yola çıkacak hızlı tren, İstanbul'da boğazın altından Marmaray'ı kullanarak, Eskişehir-Ankara-Yerköy-Sivas-Erzincan-Erzurum güzergahı üzerinden 12 saatte Kars'a gidecek. Hızlı tren hattı Sivas'tan, Malatya ve Elazığ üzerinden de Diyarbakır'a bağlanacak. Erzurum'dan da Trabzon'a uzanacak.
It has been decided in the agreement between Turkey and China that 7000 km FAST railway will be constructed from Edirne ( the western border of Turkey) to Kars ( the eastern border of Turkey). Chinese government provides 28 - 30 million dolars credit. The railway will reach from Edirne to Kars, from Diyarbakir to izmir, from Trabzon to Antalya. Trains will have 450 km speed per hour. it is being planned that it will be completed in 10 years.
By the completion of this railway, a train which set off from Edirne goes to Kars in 12 hours by using the Tube under Istanbul bosphorus and through Eskişehir-Ankara-Yerköy-Sivas-Erzincan-Erzurum and also this railway will be linked to Malatya and Elazig and to Diyarbakir from Sivas. Ther will also be another link from Erzurum to Trabzon
Türkiye ile Çin arasında imzalanan 'Demiryolu İşbirliği Anlaşması' kapsamında 7 bin kilometre hızlı tren hattı yapılması kararına varıldı. Projenin finansmanı için de Çin hükümeti 28-30 milyar dolar kredi sağlayacak. Hat, Edirne'den Kars'a, Diyarbakır'dan İzmir'e, Trabzon'dan Antalya'ya kadar uzanacak. Trenlerin hızı 450 kilometreye ulaşacak. 10 yıl içinde, Ankara-Sivas, Ankara-İzmir, Ankara-Antalya hattının yapılması planlanıyor.
7 bin kilometrelik söz konusu hatların tamamlanması halinde Edirne'den yola çıkacak hızlı tren, İstanbul'da boğazın altından Marmaray'ı kullanarak, Eskişehir-Ankara-Yerköy-Sivas-Erzincan-Erzurum güzergahı üzerinden 12 saatte Kars'a gidecek. Hızlı tren hattı Sivas'tan, Malatya ve Elazığ üzerinden de Diyarbakır'a bağlanacak. Erzurum'dan da Trabzon'a uzanacak.
It has been decided in the agreement between Turkey and China that 7000 km FAST railway will be constructed from Edirne ( the western border of Turkey) to Kars ( the eastern border of Turkey). Chinese government provides 28 - 30 million dolars credit. The railway will reach from Edirne to Kars, from Diyarbakir to izmir, from Trabzon to Antalya. Trains will have 450 km speed per hour. it is being planned that it will be completed in 10 years.
By the completion of this railway, a train which set off from Edirne goes to Kars in 12 hours by using the Tube under Istanbul bosphorus and through Eskişehir-Ankara-Yerköy-Sivas-Erzincan-Erzurum and also this railway will be linked to Malatya and Elazig and to Diyarbakir from Sivas. Ther will also be another link from Erzurum to Trabzon
Driving License Torture
Today i woke up at 6;00 to take my driving license and set off to police station. I was there at about 7;00 but i learned that they do not deliver any licenses by hand. they told me that they deliver it by internet and when I have checked the internet, what i saw was that there is no appointment before 10 november 2010. What a nightmare day this is for me.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I Do Not Know
There is something inside of me that i cannot be sure what it is. Today, My father has been warned by his managers for not doing the task which even a slave can do. My father works at a government school as assistant worker. There are about 30 classes and so many rooms and place needs to be cleaned. Former principal of the school used to hire 5 more people in addition to 3 permanent staffs so they just finish what they are supposed to do however there are just 2 staff and they are expected to do the same which was used to be done by 8 people so they cannot not they do not. And they refuse to work much without being paid. When some people are given authority they think they are the center of the power so that ... anyway i do not wanna swear. Slavery does not end, it always exists, it does exist in people`s mind. We just change its shape in modern times. We have so many rights on paper, not in practice. God damn slavery, cruelty, and these stupid people who think they can control everything. MAY GOD LET ME BE AN ADMINISTRATOR AND TEACH THEM HOW TO BE A MAN BEFORE AUTHORITY. I hope ALLAH delivers you what you deserve. They pray 5 times a day but i ask for what you do that. Do not you know that if you have anybody`s right on you, you will never be forgiven by God. I was about to forget to mention that new school management`s excuse is that they do not have enough money to hire more men but the school has a sport facilities to be rented and they get 5000 TL every month and 2000 from the school cafeteria. Last year they did not have those but they could hire people. I really wonder the reason why they do not hire anybody although they have much more money than they had 1 year ago. I let you guess my friends, I do not want to think about any other things but it is quite clear. You all know what is going on here in Turkey. The great poet Mehmet Akif ERSOY says that in short,"When a man falls, everybody wants to squash.
Monday, October 11, 2010
The Magical Music Instrument "NEY"
I do not know where to start to write about this musical instrument which is commonly known among Muslim community however I am sure that when you listen this holy different resting welcoming sound, you forget everything and just want to listen on and on without not being disturbed. For example, I have uploaded Ney sound to this blog and it should be started automatically when the page is on, I do not know whether you hear or not but but I listen. i wanna mention about its history and where it is used. This instrument is known as one of the oldest Turkish musical instrument which was taken both to East and West; from china to Europe
Friday, October 8, 2010
BÜLBÜL by Mehmet Akif ERSOY
I wish I was capable of translating this fantastic poem into any language from Turkish but I believe that poems must be told in their own languages because you have to change it to tell what is being mentioned in it. This poem is one the great poem of the great POET Mehmet Akif ERSOY and also I am embarrassed even to try to translate this poem as i fear that i cannot give the sense and meaning that AKiF wants to give.
Bütün dünyâya küskündüm, dün akşam pek bunalmıştım;
Nihayet, bir zaman kırlarda gezmiş, köyde kalmıştım.
Şehirden kaçmak isterken sular zaten kararmıştı,
Pek ıssız bir karanlık sonradan vâdiyi sarmıştı.
Işık yok, yolcu yok, ses yok, bütün hılkat kesilmiş lâl...
Bu istiğrâkı tek bir nefha olsun etmiyor ihlâl
Muhîtin hâli "insâniyyet"in timsâlidir, sandım;
Dönüp mâzîye tırmandım, ne hicranlar, neden andım!
Taşarken haşrolup beynimden artık bin müselsel yâd,
Zalâmın sinesinden fışkıran memdûd bir feryâd,
0 müstağrak, o durgun vecdi nâgâh öyle coşturdu
Ki vâdiden bütün, yer yer, enînler çağlayıp durdu.
Ne muhrik nağmeler, yâ Rab, ne mevcâmevc demlerdi;
Ağaçlar, taşlar ürpermişti, gûya Sûr-i Mahşerdi!
-Eşin var, âşiyanın var, baharın var, ki beklerdin;
Kıyâmetler koparmak neydi, ey bülbül, nedir derdin ?
0 zümrüd tahta kondun, bir semâvî saltanat kurdun;
Cihânın yurdu hep çiğnense, çiğnenmez senin yurdun,
Bugün bir yemyeşil vâdi, yarın bir kıpkızıl gülşen,
Gezersin, hânmânın şen, için şen, kâinatın şen.
Hazansız bir zemin isterse, şâyed rûh-i ser-bâzın,
Ufuklar, bu'd-i mutlaklar bütün mahkûm-i pervâzın.
Değil bir kayda, sığmazsın - kanadlandım mı - eb'âda;
Hayâtın en muhayyel gayedir ahrâra dünyâda,
Neden öyleyse mâtemlerle eyyâmın perîşandır?
Niçin bir damlacık göğsünde bir umman hurûşandır?
Hayır, mâtem senin hakkın değil... Mâtem benim hakkım:
Asırlar var ki, aydınlık nedir, hiç bilmez âfâkım!
Tesellîden nasîbim yok, hazân ağlar bahârımda;
Bugün bir hânmansız serseriyim öz diyârımda!
Ne husrandır ki: Şark'ın ben vefâsız, kansız evlâdı,
Serâpâ Garba çiğnettim de çıktım hâk-i ecdâdı!
Hayâlimden geçerken şimdi, fikrim herc ü merc oldu,
SALÂHADDÎN-İ EYYÛBÎ'lerin, FATİH'lerin yurdu.
Ne zillettir ki: nâkûs inlesin beyninde OSMAN'ın;
Ezan sussun, fezâlardan silinsin yâdı Mevlâ'nın!
Ne hicrandır ki: en şevketli bir mâzi serâp olsun;
O kudretler, o satvetler harâb olsun, türâb olsun!
Çökük bir kubbe kalsın ma'bedinden YILDIRIM Hân'ın;
Şenâatlerle çiğnensin muazzam Kabri ORHAN'ın!
Ne heybettir ki: vahdet-gâhı dînin devrilip, taş taş,
Sürünsün şimdi milyonlarca me'vâsız kalan dindaş!
Yıkılmış hânmânlar yerde işkenceyle kıvransın;
Serilmiş gövdeler, binlerce, yüz binlerce doğransın!
Dolaşsın, sonra, İslâm'ın harem-gâhında nâ-mahrem...
Benim hakkım, sus ey bülbül, senin hakkın değil mâtem !
The way I look
I HAVE NO DIFFERENCE THAN THIS PICTURE THESE DAYS. You already know that i wear glasses and you are used to seeing me with long hair but not black and i have beard so long and ugly beard with mustache. I am going to join army 2 months later and i want to keep my hair and beard as long as i can till i go however my brother`s wedding is coming and i am supposed to be handsome or at least a good guy who shall represent the family well and i have to obey the rules no matter how freaking bad it is and also i have an appointment at THY head center for being steward on 8 November 2011 so i should be formal which i hate being.
But i wanna say that; this picture is like a mirror that reflects what i am and how i look like these days.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
20 dakika/ Minutes on behalf of Kahraman Koştaş who is BOZKIR BİLGESİ
You can walk 2 kms, have your lunch, sleep for a while that makes you refreshed from head to food in twenty minutes, besides what can you do if wanna spend this tine in front of television? You can see 2 out of 3 of Kurtlar vadisi serial or half of the adverts which is being broadcasted...
I have just watched this serial when ı was so young, people who watch this serial please do not be angry to me, ı use as an example because it is widely watched and followed, it lasts in 1 hour and 40 min without advertisement. Why I do not watch the serials made in Turkey is so clear that they last about 2 hours, ı prefer american serials instead of them. if there are someone who says "these american serials do not reflect our culture" ı say that our serials do not reflect our culture as well. I devide them into three as such tribe, mafia, and fake artificial and ı do not think we have a mutual culture among them. we , at least, watch qualıty and orijinal works by watching foreign serials and for half cost. How ? You can watch "my name ıs earl" which lasts 20 min instead of "hakkını helal et" which lasts 80 min or you can save your time if you prefer 40 minuted gossip girl instead of 80 minuted "küçük sırlar"
yirmi dakikada 2km yürüyebilir, öğle yemeğinizi yiyebilir, azıcık uyuyabilirsiniz ki yorgunsanız canınıza can katacaktır bu yirmi dakika. bunun dışında bu süreyi tv başında geçirecekseniz neler yapabilirsiniz?
kurtlar vadisi dizisinin özetinin 2/3 ünü izleyebilirsiniz bu sürede, yada yayınlanan reklamların 1/2 sini...
kurtlar vadisini hiç izlemedim, izleyen arkadaşlar varsa bana kızmasınlar . çok izlenen bir dizi olduğu için örnek veriyorum. İzlemek isteyen arkadaşların ricası üzerine pek çok kez indirdim kurtlar vadisini. ve süresi bana çok ilginç gelir: reklamsız, 1 saat 40 dakika falan sürüyor...
türk yapımı dizileri izlemiyorum. sebebi aşikar 2 saate yakın sürüyorlar. bunun yerine amerikan dizelerini tercih ediyorum. aaaa ama onlar kültürümüzü yansıtmıyor bize ters diyen olursa, zaten bizim dizilerimiz de bizim kültürümüzü yansıtmıyor. aşiret, mafya ve çakma-çalıntı olmak üzere üçe ayırıyorum türk dizilerini. ve ne yazık ki bu üç maddeyle ortak bir kültürümün olabileceğini düşünmüyorum.
yabancı dizi izlemekle en azından orjinal ve kaliteli yapımlar izlemiş oluruz; hemde yarı fiyatına
şöyleki 80 dakikalık " hakkını helal et" yerine 20 dakikada "my name is earl" izleyebilirsiniz.
yada 40 dakikalık "gossip girl" ü 80 dakikalık "küçük sırlar" a tercih ederek vakitten kazanmış olursunuz...
20 dakika isimli yazımın amacı izlediğim ve beğendiğim 20 dakikalık dizileri sizle paylaşmaktı aslında ama konu dağıldı gitti neyse icraata geçelim ol zaman...
filmleri beğeni sırama göre sıraladım kendim açıklama yapmaktansa imdb ve divxplanetten tanıtım linkleri vermeyi uydun gördüm. bu linklerden isterseniz bilgi edine bilirsiniz:
You can walk 2 kms, have your lunch, sleep for a while that makes you refreshed from head to food in twenty minutes, besides what can you do if wanna spend this tine in front of television? You can see 2 out of 3 of Kurtlar vadisi serial or half of the adverts which is being broadcasted...
I have just watched this serial when ı was so young, people who watch this serial please do not be angry to me, ı use as an example because it is widely watched and followed, it lasts in 1 hour and 40 min without advertisement. Why I do not watch the serials made in Turkey is so clear that they last about 2 hours, ı prefer american serials instead of them. if there are someone who says "these american serials do not reflect our culture" ı say that our serials do not reflect our culture as well. I devide them into three as such tribe, mafia, and fake artificial and ı do not think we have a mutual culture among them. we , at least, watch qualıty and orijinal works by watching foreign serials and for half cost. How ? You can watch "my name ıs earl" which lasts 20 min instead of "hakkını helal et" which lasts 80 min or you can save your time if you prefer 40 minuted gossip girl instead of 80 minuted "küçük sırlar"
yirmi dakikada 2km yürüyebilir, öğle yemeğinizi yiyebilir, azıcık uyuyabilirsiniz ki yorgunsanız canınıza can katacaktır bu yirmi dakika. bunun dışında bu süreyi tv başında geçirecekseniz neler yapabilirsiniz?
kurtlar vadisi dizisinin özetinin 2/3 ünü izleyebilirsiniz bu sürede, yada yayınlanan reklamların 1/2 sini...
kurtlar vadisini hiç izlemedim, izleyen arkadaşlar varsa bana kızmasınlar . çok izlenen bir dizi olduğu için örnek veriyorum. İzlemek isteyen arkadaşların ricası üzerine pek çok kez indirdim kurtlar vadisini. ve süresi bana çok ilginç gelir: reklamsız, 1 saat 40 dakika falan sürüyor...
türk yapımı dizileri izlemiyorum. sebebi aşikar 2 saate yakın sürüyorlar. bunun yerine amerikan dizelerini tercih ediyorum. aaaa ama onlar kültürümüzü yansıtmıyor bize ters diyen olursa, zaten bizim dizilerimiz de bizim kültürümüzü yansıtmıyor. aşiret, mafya ve çakma-çalıntı olmak üzere üçe ayırıyorum türk dizilerini. ve ne yazık ki bu üç maddeyle ortak bir kültürümün olabileceğini düşünmüyorum.
yabancı dizi izlemekle en azından orjinal ve kaliteli yapımlar izlemiş oluruz; hemde yarı fiyatına
şöyleki 80 dakikalık " hakkını helal et" yerine 20 dakikada "my name is earl" izleyebilirsiniz.
yada 40 dakikalık "gossip girl" ü 80 dakikalık "küçük sırlar" a tercih ederek vakitten kazanmış olursunuz...
20 dakika isimli yazımın amacı izlediğim ve beğendiğim 20 dakikalık dizileri sizle paylaşmaktı aslında ama konu dağıldı gitti neyse icraata geçelim ol zaman...
filmleri beğeni sırama göre sıraladım kendim açıklama yapmaktansa imdb ve divxplanetten tanıtım linkleri vermeyi uydun gördüm. bu linklerden isterseniz bilgi edine bilirsiniz:
Yüreğine Sor
Yüreğine Sor
This movie was broadcasted about 2 or 3 months ago however the tickets were not sold out, there was not a box office eruption, i cannot understand why, Despite celebrities and quality work, it could not take attention from people, maybe it is because that the story was about Karadeniz which so many people in Turkey do not know about much. I wanna mention about its story;
Main characters are two families who are real Muslim and a orthodox but the latter show themselves as Muslim not to pay taxes and not to be externalized by Muslim community. Both families' children love each other; man is orthodox girl is Muslim (according to Muslim rules, a Muslim girl cannot marry a non-Muslim man, it is one of the big sins as the religion was conveyed by father and wife has not got authority on family. Mustafa who pretends to be Muslim loves Esma and does not confess his big secret, by the way the time is 19th century and Ottoman period, Orthodox families go on living like that until the Ottoman government decided not to take extra taxes from non Muslim families so church wants orthodox families to announce their real identity to public but Mustafa`s family hesitates to do that because the family has an important place among people as Muslim and they are respected by people and also the family guy ( the oldest one) is a Pilgrim, the pilgrim man is so sick these days he is about to die, his wife want to bury his husband to Christian cemetery so when he dies the wife explains everything to public and expected thing happens; they are externalized. Esma and her family already know the truth. from now on, a traditional marriage is impossible for the young lovers, by the way Mehmet who is Mustafa`s close friend and whose family is the strongest family around there has fallen in love Esma and wants to have her although he knows that Mustafa loves her. Mustafa decides to be a Muslim and go far far away with Esma and they promise each other to meet at night on the bridge. However, Mehmet waits outside lest Esma leaves house without saying anything so he sees Esma while she is going to Mustafa. Mehmet catches Esma and threaten her about killing Mustafa that`s why Esma has to change her idea and lie Mustafa by saying "our relationship is impossible, i am going to marry Mehmet, Farewell Mustafa." In the meanwhile Mustafa`s mother learns that his son decides to leave them and comes to bridge to find Mustafa and burns himself to make his son come out. Mustafa stays in despair as he can neither leave nor marry Esma. However Esma cannot stand this and she chooses to kill her herself by burning instead of leaving Mustafa and marry Mehmet.
Friday, October 1, 2010
I Feel I Am Going To Apologize
I have posted about 80 stories, words, quotes and so for 14 months. When I first Saw Seyma`s blog. I have fallen in love , yes it is true. I have always wanted to be playwright (sigh) Oh my GOD maybe someday, my plays are going to be performed and read by hundreds thousands of them outside. However, i am aware of that my posts are not well enough, maybe it is because my using English, maybe i cannot express my ideas, feelings right away via English. I think you could excuse that writing in another language is pretty difficult that you force yourself to think the way they think. I do not know though, i am sure about something I WANT TO DEVELOP my English as much as I can. Let`s go back to main subject; why i post here. To tell the truth i even do not it but i like doing, i love the sense of having able hands, i love feeling that i not that normal or ordinary, i like producing something even though it is not almost known. This is me, i like being alone among tad overdressed communities and crowds. I had been far away from here maybe for 5 months before i started to post something again that is 10 days ago. It is a must for me, I should apologize myself for making me and my few readers sad and make them feel I am no longer here. I should THANK TO my GREATEST GOD, ALLAH for providing me some serenity. Anyway, i read a sentence in a book which was given me 4 months ago but i cannot remember the owner. there it says " Sit, wait and Think in darkness and loneliness if you want to reach the real desire, if you can feel the sound that dances around you, you are at the right place" by ZIVA. I wanna go somewhere for both taste serenity and loneliness but there is a problem i do not want to be alone anymore.
Today was a usual day for me, only uncommon thing is that i went to to eye doctor to get my eyes checked whether they are ok , then i did what i do everyday apart from Fridays as I am off that day. I had 8 hours classes. The first one started at 14:15 and ended at 16:30, my student is a primary school students. I heard it later but her mother told something class hours. She claimed that i left the class before it was over although i had 10 minutes longer class. And i asked front office to call her, the mother and tell her that i would no longer go on with your daughter, because this is insult not a claim. I want to tell the story from the beginning, this woman waits for her daughter to leave the course outside, and our class ends at 16:30 she sometimes complained that i let her daughter leave later than normal and climbs stairs to pick her up so although she knows and experiences everything I ask WHY WHY.
I am an experienced teacher from now on as i audit the new teachers, hhahahahahahaha what a interesting and paradoxical thing. even though i think i need to be audited, i do that, there was an Azerbaijanian girl at Amerikan culture. I let her attend my class. we had fun our subject was present simple and do does. here is the shocking new for me. Yasemin was there as well, and she left there without saying nothing because i did not pay attention to her when i was about to start my course. Yeah Girls, Like each of them Yasemin expect everything at the wrong time.
See you Guys. May GOD give you patience and serenity
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I have failed one more time
I applied for being lecturer to giresun university to be appointed to sebinkarahisar as English teacher. But this is not first and i think it will not be last. i am going to apply again and again. i think giresun is the 45.. university i applied. hhahhhaha almost half of the universities have my picture and information. I know my score which is 82 is not enough and i try to increase it, i cannot as i am illiterate about maths. Although the score is important, someone who has someone does not need any score like the person at my workplace. anyway this is the truth I HAVE FAILED ONE MORE TIME.
Do Not be sad, do not worry my dear.
Happy to you if you can see, touch, breath, walk.
Do not tell me what you cannot do ,
Tell me about what you can do my dear.
Do not be sad.
Will the nights be without anyone?
People who are gone won`t come ?
Whatever you lost may come out back in a rainy night or in a spring morning.
Remember that beauty does also exist at this life.
Can you imagine a life having not Ups and Downs.
Sorrow makes you mature.
Losing teaches the patient
Üzülme, dert etme can.
Görebiliyorsan, dokunabiliyorsan, nefes alabiliyorsan, yürüyebiliyorsan ne mutlu sana.
Elinde olmayanları söyleme bana.
Elinde olanlardan bahset can.
Geceler hep kimsesiz mi geçecek?
Gidenler dönmeyecek mi?
Yitirdiğin her ne ise; bir bakarsın yağmurlu bir gecede veya bir bahar sabahında karşına çıkmış.
Bil ki, güzellikler de var bu hayatta.
Gel Git’lerin olmadığı bir hayat düşünebilir misin?
Hüzün olgunlaştırır,
Kaybetmek sabrı öğretir.
My mother is back
Two weeks ago my grandmother had a stroke unfortunately and my mother went to Giresun to take care of her because as it was on the phone to us, she cannot move on her own that`s why she needs someone. My grandmother was in Trabzon, at Farabi hospital. However, I am so thankful to you MY GOD that my grandmother has just arrived home back to Giresun. She is much better than she was but we keep our eyes on her just in case. Anyway I am in Istanbul with my father and elder brother, three men in a house, I think you can imagine the situation and what is going on at home, how clean it is. Yes, it is a little bit mess. Actually i have never wanted to be like that as i am now, as a matter of fact i hate that kind of people nonetheless it is another truth that i hate washing cleaning tidying at my university years so i do not wanna deal with these things, To tell the truth if i live on my own i am so clean and tidied man but i do do do not want to clean anybody`s shit so i am like that. Because of the reasons as i mentioned above, we need mama, we miss you so much.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
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Üzülme, dert etme can.
Görebiliyorsan, dokunabiliyorsan, nefes alabiliyorsan, yürüyebiliyorsan ne mutlu sana.
Elinde olmayanları söyleme bana.
Elinde olanlardan bahset can.
Geceler hep kimsesiz mi geçecek?
Gidenler dönmeyecek mi?
Yitirdiğin her ne ise; bir bakarsın yağmurlu bir gecede veya bir bahar sabahında karşına çıkmış.
Bil ki, güzellikler de var bu hayatta.
Gel Git’lerin olmadığı bir hayat düşünebilir misin?
Hüzün olgunlaştırır,
Kaybetmek sabrı öğretir.
Üzülme, dert etme can.
Görebiliyorsan, dokunabiliyorsan, nefes alabiliyorsan, yürüyebiliyorsan ne mutlu sana.
Elinde olmayanları söyleme bana.
Elinde olanlardan bahset can.
Geceler hep kimsesiz mi geçecek?
Gidenler dönmeyecek mi?
Yitirdiğin her ne ise; bir bakarsın yağmurlu bir gecede veya bir bahar sabahında karşına çıkmış.
Bil ki, güzellikler de var bu hayatta.
Gel Git’lerin olmadığı bir hayat düşünebilir misin?
Hüzün olgunlaştırır,
Kaybetmek sabrı öğretir.